hello world

Hello! It has been a long time coming. I finally decided to make a website as a directory for my poetry and as a place to blog. I’ve been kicking the can down the road on this and I’m not exactly getting any younger here. I’m excited to put myself out there and build a little bit of character (with all of the inevitable rejections that come with the publishing process).

In the past week, I have submitted separate works of mine to four different literary magazines. One has already come back as a rejection, but I still have three in limbo. Fingers crossed!

My vision for this blog is to:

  • Record my journey into the poetry publishing world

  • Share my thoughts on poetry books I am reading (I have a pretty large library of contemporary poetry books)

  • Potentially some interviews with other poets?

  • Ruminations about the creative process (How I use OneNote and Notion to compose and track submissions)

  • Share any other creative endeavors I partake in

If you find yourself here, reading this first post, please feel free to reach out to me and say hi!

I would love to make new connections with other writers and/or creatives!


Introduction - How I got into Writing